I might look like I’m in prison in my first picture, but I promise you this is far from how I truly felt. I love this place (Little Victories Coffee Roasters).

We were shooting outside and you could imagine it got pretty cold. IM OVER IT ALL. LA what are you saying!? So, we decided to head to BANK STREET Ottawa to warm up. I went ALL the way to BANK because this place looked gorgeous on social media. YES. I travelled for the space. I love a good latte too. The one I had was good and the latte are was seriously some of the best I’ve seen in the city. Ive been almost everywhere that is KNOWN to serve a good latte – so I speak from experience here.

It was really cool in here. Lovely vibe and great staff. I hate when my writing starts to sound like a review when that isn’t the intention. Enjoy the photos and visit sometime if you’re in the city to take your own 😀