I’ve officially been natural for 1 year! It dawned on me this week so I thought I would write about hair care tips to practice every week if you have natural hair.
My hair has grown quite a bit in the past year – but I did have to chop 2 inches off to preserve the health. The first year for me was where I did a lot of experimentation. I tried out new and different hair care products and mastered how to do my favourite styles. Check out my YOUTUBE channel where I’ve made some videos about what Ive learned in the past year. This year I want to try a lot more products (Even though I have my staples) and do more hair styles and I cant wait to share that with my growing YOUTUBE audience.
Here are some of the things I do every week as a new natural. They are my sort of non-negotiable practices at this point (Now that I’ve gotten into a groove) –
(#1) WET YOUR HAIR – Even when I don’t get the opportunity to do a full WASH, I make sure to hop in the shower and wet my hair. Make sure that after you’ve immersed your hair in water you put the moisture back in. Some people use a spray bottle full of water to re-moisturize their hair, but I prefer to get in the shower and get each strand soaked and full of water. When I hop out – I moisturize and seal my hair and restyle it. Of-course, product buildup is a real thing that you should keep in mind. Our scalps and strands can become accumulated with product when a true WASH isn’t had in a long time. I’ve figured that if I don’t have time, It’s better to re-moisturize my hair properly than go three more days without any moisture at all. Just make sure that if you do this you wash your hair sometime within the next week. If you go too long without washing, the product buildup can be bad for your hair health given that nothing can enter or leave your hair strands. A good cleanse is definitely the recommended approach each week, but if you don’t have time – go for this approach girl!
(#2) SLEEP WITH A SILK OR SATIN SOMETHING EVERYDAY – Period. If you don’t you deplete your hair of so much moisture which will eventually lead to breakage. And let’s be honest – life is busy! If you deplete the moisture for your hair for the week, you may not get the time to do a full moisture replenishing WASH DAY routine. Not good girl!
(#3) DO HAIRSTYLES THAT WILL STRETCH YOUR HAIR – If you listen to this tip, you may be able to save yourself a couple of trips to the hair salon for a trim. The less those hair strands interact, the less tangles and chances for single strand knots. I did WASH AND GO styles almost all summer after becoming natural and boy oh boy did I need to cut a lot off when the Winter rolled around. I kind of knew this would happen, but I was so excited to rock my hair in it’s curly state that I ignored the possible consequences. But let me tell you, the consequences are REAL honey!
(#4) DEEP CONDITION – I know I said if you don’t have time to wash your hair, just wet it, but I’m going to totally contradict myself and say YOU NEED TO DEEP CONDITION YOUR HAIR every week ok? (lol). It’s the best way to moisturize your hair, simple and truly! And here’s an even bigger contradiction, wash your hair before you deep condition to remove ALL product accumulation, dirt and grime. The deep condition (preferably with heat) will penetrate deeper and leave you with longer lasting ultra moisturized hair. I know, I know – I said wet your hair if you don’t have time to wash, but this should always be the priority for hair nourishment.
(#5) COMB YOUR HAIR ONLY WHEN IT’S FULLY MOISTURIZED – I only do this in the shower under running water. I just cant risk my hair snagging and breaking, but then again everyone’s hair texture is different – so you may be able to comb yours without being in the shower. Mine is thick and tightly coiled – so under the shower works best for me. General rule of thumb, the more moisturized your hair is, the less it will snap when you comb it.
(#6) HAVE FUN WITH THAT HAIR – I know manipulating natural hair puts NATURALISTAS at more of a risk for breakage, meaning you wont be able to retain length and get your hair to waist length by your ideal date. I get it. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a good time with it while you’re working so hard to meet all your hair goals. During the Winter, I still rocked my braid-outs, twist-out etc. even though the suggestion in the community is to protective style. I believe in protective styling and have done it most Winters – but this year I knew I wanted to have a good time. So I did. I tapped into what I wanted most for my hair (presently, then) and took the necessary steps and precautions to keep my hair as healthy as I could while having fun with it. That’t what I suggest for you too!
2 replies on “Hair care tips to practice every week (Natural Hair)”
Great tips!!!! I use a lot of these.
Thanks so much!