
The REAL Gossip GIRL: Identify them in your life

Hey Lovelies, (REALNESS CORNER IN 3,2,1 …) I have to admit it’s been a long time since I contributed to the FAITH section of my blog. It’s awful and there should be no excuse, but because Im undoubtedly human there is one. I really want to give the caveat that this section IS the hardest […]


The DO’S of serving God since you’ve always heard the DONT’S

Photographer I was thinking just yesterday about serving God (Jesus) and about all the benefits it comes with. Which naturally lead me to think about people who don’t and what they will probably never experience having that relationship.


Why is Christmas so offensive?

Starbuck’s controversial cup has become more famous than Kim Kardashian and her desperate attempts to break the internet. Who knew a red body, white lid-ed recyclable could garner so much attention from coffee drinkers and spectators alike. The argument that some Christians are making is that “Starbuck’s hates Jesus” as an explanation for the company’s reluctance to put […]


My Testimony | I’m a Christian – But wasn’t always …

This is my first Faith post of the year — mostly because I’ve been waiting to hear from God. Yeah. This year I’m being called to share my life as a testimony – and provide more insight on the struggles faced by young believers as experienced by me. Never been one to over share, or […]


We all need somebody to lean on

Sometimes I stop and think about a life without help. What I mean by this is a life without the help and support of my family, friends, and most importantly my Lord and saviour Jesus! One thing I know is that we all need help, or will require it at some point in life. We […]


Is your labor in vain ?